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Lynn Classical High School, Lynn, Massachusetts

On Monday, November 30th, 2023, my family decided to emigrate to
the USA. Saying goodbye to the family you have grown up with and
lived with your entire life is one of the saddest things a person can
do. The day I realized I would not be able to see my family, the people I love
most in the world, almost broke my heart. However, I knew that I had to
undertake this great change towards a better future.

We traveled from Guatemala to Mexico and then continued to travel with-
out stopping. We passed through a place called Veracruz, a beautiful place with beaches and continued with the trip until we arrived at the border.
It was time to cross the river, something that terrified me. I was afraid be-
cause I had already seen videos of what could happen in the river and I was
more afraid because my mom, dad, middle sister, me and my little sister,
who was barely 2, were coming. I spent years of life thinking that something
bad could happen and it terrified me even more when you have to cross a
dangerous river at 4 am.

The river was so deep, but we made it. In the U.S the officers were there
and there were approximately 300 people. The officers guided us to the road
where many buses began to arrive to take us to a different place. It was very
cold when we arrived, and the procedure was long. We were there for about
2 or 3 days. Finally, they took us to a shelter and then my aunt bought us
flights to Lynn. I think the flight took 3 hours. An emotional moment camenwhen I saw a family that I didn't know who had already been living in America. I saw people that I hadn't seen in a long time. When I arrived I saw my grandmother.

That day, I cried. I didn't know my grandmother. I only knew her through
calls and I didn’t know my uncle either. For the first time I was able to hug them and live with them, but on the other hand I had left important people in my life. I know that soon or a later I will return to them. It is difficult adapting to a place where the customs are very different from those of my country. Something different that I noticed right away was that when 7PM came around, in my country you would see people outside their houses having fun or talking. In America, around 7PM, everyone is at home unless it is a weekend, or it is nice outside. That is something I miss about my country, feeling the warmth on my skin, walking without a sweater, going to the beach any day, or visiting family who live in other places.

I miss everything about Honduras from its streets, the people, and the magical places that exist there. But, I also like it here. It seems like a very nice place. I have researched more about Lynn and it seems like a very beautiful place. I think that in a few years I will adapt to living here. With my story I want to share how difficult it can be to leave your country behind but at the same time it teaches you that a change is good because it takes you and shows you very beautiful places and new people. Changes bring new opportunities.

© Marlene . All rights reserved. If you are interested in quoting this story, contact the national team and we can put you in touch with the author’s teacher.


  • Migration
  • Family
  • Loneliness, Doubt or Loss